Williamsville Personal Injury Lawyer

personal injury law book and gavel

A Williamsville accident can cause serious injuries that change your life in an instant. You may be suddenly faced with expensive medical bills, physical pain and suffering, lost time at work, and financial strain on your family. Fortunately, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses to help you get back on your feet.

A Williamsville personal injury lawyer with Richmond Vona can help you fight for your rights and demand justice for what happened. Our experienced team will stand by your side to help you seek the maximum compensation available for your damages. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about our legal services in Williamsville, NY.

Reasons To Choose a Williamsville Personal Injury Lawyer From Richmond Vona

Richmond Vona is not your typical law firm. We focus on the whole client experience, offering open, honest communication and advanced technology that helps us help you. We will take the time to get to know you, explain your legal options, and help you reach the best possible outcome in your case.

Our commitment to our clients is reflected in our successful track record in securing high-value case results, including more than $175 million recovered in  settlements and verdict  for injury victims. As dedicated members of our community, we help hard-working families throughout Western New York stand up to large corporations and insurance companies that try to intimidate them into accepting less than they deserve.

Our Award-Winning Personal Injury Lawyers in Williamsville, NY

If you need a skilled Williamsville personal injury attorney, John E. Richmond, Keith R. Vona, and their legal team of trusted lawyers are award-winning professionals at the top of their field. Our notable accolades include:

  • New York Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2016-2019)
  • New York Super Lawyers (2020-2024)
  • Top 40 Under 40 Civil Plaintiff Trial Lawyers In New York by The National Trial Lawyers (2018-2024)
  • Top 100 Civil Plaintiff Trial Lawyers In New York by The National Trial Lawyers (2019-2024)
  • Top 10 Mesothelioma Lawyers in New York by The National Trial Lawyers

Our attorneys know the Williamsville area and have a deep understanding of the New York legal system. With former defense attorneys, construction workers, and even a former police officer on our team, we will look at your situation from a unique perspective to build a strong case, prove negligence, and take your case to trial if a fair out-of-court settlement cannot be achieved.

Williamsville Personal Injury Cases We Handle

The Williamsville injury lawyers on our team have the skills and expertise needed to handle all kinds of personal injury cases, including those involving:

We want to make legal representation accessible for everyone in the Williamsville community. If you think you can’t afford a lawyer after an accident, we are here to help. Our firm offers free consultations and charges no upfront fees. We work on contingency, which means we only get paid if we recover compensation on your behalf. You never pay out of pocket to work with our skilled legal team.

What Our Williamsville Clients Say

We have developed a strong reputation for excellence in the legal community and among our clients. Their glowing testimonials reflect why we are one of the fastest-growing personal injury firms in Western New York:

Damages Available in Personal Injury Cases

Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Williamsville, NY, will help you get the most for your claim. You may qualify to recover economic damages, which include your financial losses, and non-economic damages, which represent the intangible ways you’ve suffered due to the accident. Examples of damages you may be compensated for include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Cost of future medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

In some cases, you may also receive punitive damages. Unlike compensatory damages that are directly tied to your losses, punitive damages are ordered by courts when the defendant’s behavior was willfully or wantonly negligent. They are meant to punish the defendant for egregious acts and deter similar behavior in the future.

Insurance companies often use unfair tactics and make lowball offers. The attorneys at Richmond Vona know how to effectively counter with advanced negotiation strategies, utilizing technology to track and leverage insurance negotiation patterns. Speak with our personal injury attorneys in Williamsville to determine how to pursue full and fair compensation.

What Happens if I Share Some of the Fault in My Accident?

Even if you are partially at fault for your accident, New York’s contributory negligence law lets you recover compensation for your damages. However, the amount awarded will be reduced by your percentage of fault. Our Williamsville personal injury lawyers can review your case to see what your claim is worth. We can also gather evidence to minimize the fault assigned to you.

What Factors Determine the Value of My Case?

Our Williamsville injury lawyers will carefully evaluate your damages to claim compensation for the full extent of your losses. Every case is different, and the value of your claim will depend on many factors, including:

  • Medical costs to treat your injury
  • Whether your injuries require long-term care
  • Whether your accident caused permanent disabilities
  • Whether your injuries impact your ability to work and earn income
  • How the injury has mentally and emotionally affected you
  • The extent of your pain and suffering
  • Available insurance coverage
  • The quality and clarity of available evidence

How Can a Williamsville Personal Injury Attorney Help?

Working with our skilled personal injury lawyers in Williamsville, NY, will give you a significant advantage in the local legal system and a better chance to maximize your claim. 

“It’s really important to have a local firm for your case because a local firm will understand all the local players, will understand the community, and all these factors can really come into play and make a big impact on the ultimate success of your case.”
Founding Partner John Richmond

At Richmond Vona, we offer fully personalized legal guidance, committing three to four team members to each client. We streamline the communication process to keep you informed of our progress with your case. Our attorneys know what steps to take to move your case forward, including:

  • Investigating the accident
  • Gathering evidence
  • Connecting with expert witnesses
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Providing resources to help you during the claims process

There are no upfront costs to work with our team, and you don’t owe us anything until we win your case. We know this is a difficult time for you and will work diligently to resolve your case as efficiently as possible. 

Request a Free Case Evaluation

How Much Time Do I Have To File My Claim in Williamsville?

The NY personal injury statute of limitations for most claims is three years from the date of the injury. However, several exceptions may extend or shorten the timeline for taking legal action. In all cases, if you miss the correct deadline, you will lose the right to seek compensation for your losses in court. Contact our Williamsville personal injury attorneys today to get your case started on the strongest footing possible.

Reach Out to a Williamsville Personal Injury Attorney for Help Recovering Your Losses

If you or a loved one were injured as a result of another person’s negligence, we are here to help. We are compassionate and aggressive legal advocates dedicated to representing injury victims in Williamsville and throughout Western New York. Contact us online or call (716) 500-5678 to schedule your free consultation. We are standing by to answer your questions and help you fight for the full and fair compensation you deserve.

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