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Keith Vona on WNY Living – Buffalo Veterans Race
Host: Probably some more walkers watching as well. So, if you’re looking to get out and enjoy a run or stroll on the first Saturday in November for a good cause at a fabulous location, well, we’ve got the event for you. Joining us this morning from Richmond Vona Personal Injury Attorneys is Keith Vona and the race director for Veterans Race Buffalo, Al Longo. Thank you both for being here.
Keith Vona & Al Longo: Thank you for having us.
Host: Let’s talk about the Veterans Race Buffalo on November 4th. I mean, the name probably says it all, but this is open to everybody, isn’t it?
Al Longo: This is open to everyone, for sure. We have everything from a two-mile walk, a kids’ race, and we do the 5K and the 10K. Proceeds go to help the Buffalo Naval Military Park and the Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York.
Host: Alright, some great causes right there to preserve and recognize those who served here in Western New York with the naval and military memorial park there down by the water. Is that where it’s going to take place?
Al Longo: Yes, it starts and ends there, and we have a great post-race party at Southern Tier Brewing Company following the race.
Host: You say everybody’s welcome here. You don’t have to be a military veteran, correct? You don’t have to have a family member being a military veteran?
Al Longo: Absolutely correct. We have categories for veterans and civilians. We actually give out awards like this one here in front of us for top overall veteran. And then we also do awards for civilians, youth, and masters.
Host: We have some images from previous races here, and you did bring with us this trophy. I guess, right? A trophy where you get your name on here. What is this for again?
Al Longo: So, this one right here is for the top overall veteran male and female for the 5K. We also do one for the 10K.
Host: And then you get your name on a plaque here that’s forever as a good runner. Great to have the military boots on. It’s been quite a competition between the Army and Air Force over the last few years.
Host: I know someone who has won. His name’s on here, and he’s sitting next to you. Keith Vona. Keith, your firm, Richmond Vona, is a sponsor of the race, and this is near and dear to your hearts. Tell us why.
Keith Vona: Indeed. Kevin, I served in the Marine Corps after high school, and it changed my life forever in a positive way. I wouldn’t be where I am today without that experience. I think it’s a great opportunity for our firm to give back and serve those who have served for us. People lay their lives on the line every day, and it’s good to recognize them and take care of them when they come back.
Host: Thank you for your service and for providing some of these photos from your time in the Marine Corps. This is a great opportunity. The One-stop Center, which this also benefits, kind of talk about what they do for veterans here in Western New York.
- ATTORNEY: Keith Vona