New York Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

You can build a legal claim if someone struck you and caused a motorcycle wreck, leaving you with injuries and high medical expenses. In this situation, you can seek compensation with help from a New York motorcycle accident lawyer.

A New York personal injury lawyer from Richmond Vona, LLC, can address all your legal concerns. We apply over 30 years of legal experience to these complicated claims and aren’t afraid to handle tough cases for clients like you.

Learn more by calling or filling out our online contact form.

When Should You Hire a New York Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Motorcycle accidents often have serious repercussions in New York. The professionals often recommend getting personalized help from a legal team if:

  • You suffered severe injuries or a permanent disability
  • The insurance company disputes the fault
  • Multiple parties contributed to the wreck
  • You feel you received an unfair settlement offer

You can also reach out to a New York motorcycle accident attorney any time you feel you need help navigating legal processes. Lawyers can cover everything you need to know about motorcycle wrecks.

An experienced lawyer understands all the legal complexities, statutes of limitations, paperwork requirements, and procedures involved in injury claims, allowing you to feel more confident about your claim.

How does a New York Motorcycle Accident Attorney Help?

Your New York motorcycle accident lawyer can investigate your accident. Our team uses many different strategies to investigate. We may:

  • Order police reports
  • Visit the accident scene
  • Interview witnesses
  • Gather evidence to understand how the crash occurred and who caused it

We focus on proving liability by determining who caused your accident and injuries. Additionally, we can:

Deal with Insurance Companies

Motorcycle accident lawyers regularly negotiate injury claims with insurers and won’t let companies take advantage of victims during settlement talks. We strive to settle many claims outside of court after calculating damages.

We can assess both economic and non-economic damages you incurred, including medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and long-term care costs.

Handle All Legal Challenges

Your motorcycle accident lawyer in New York can ensure you meet all legal deadlines, handle communications, and advise you, thereby protecting your rights throughout the claims process.

Lawyers remove the emotion from the situation and provide objective recommendations about the next best steps for maximum compensation. For example, if your lawyer cannot obtain fair compensation through settlement, an experienced trial lawyer can build a strong case in court.

Having an adept motorcycle accident attorney levels the playing field against insurance companies and improves your chances of obtaining full compensation.

Who Can You Sue After a New York Motorcycle Accident?

You may seek compensation from any liable party with help from a motorcycle accident attorney in New York. Lawyers often settle motorcycle accident claims out of court instead of filing a lawsuit. In either situation, you may pursue damages from parties like:

Another Motorist

If a negligent or reckless driver causes a motorcycle crash, they would typically be the main party sued. Their auto insurance policy would cover damages in many situations, providing you with funds to address your healthcare expenses and other losses.

Government Entities

If road defects, hazardous conditions, or poor design contributed to the crash, you could sue the government agency responsible for road maintenance in some cases. However, these claims can prove very challenging to resolve successfully.

A Bar or Restaurant

If the other driver was over-served alcohol at a bar or restaurant before causing the accident, you could potentially sue the establishment under dram shop laws.

The Motorcycle Manufacturer

You might sue the motorcycle manufacturer d in rare cases of a defective motorcycle or parts leading to an accident. Filing this kind of claim requires proof of defect. In this situation, you may want to work with a product liability lawyer in New York.

Why Pick Us for Your Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Our team at Richmond Vona, LLC, provides dedicated support to each client we take on. We focus on transparency and open communication as we get to know you and build a claim to bring you fair compensation for all your losses.

We utilize over 30 years of experience and the best possible technology to address your concerns and deal with insurance representatives on your behalf. We aren’t afraid of taking your claim to court and strive to resolve cases quickly to bring you compensation for your losses.

How Much does It Cost to Hire a Motorcycle Wreck Lawyer?

We use contingency pricing to handle motorcycle accident cases in New York. Therefore, we only receive payment for legal fees after resolving your claim, at which point we’ll get a percentage of your final financial award.

How Long does It Take to Resolve a Motorcycle Accident Case?

The time to secure compensation after a motorcycle wreck in New York can vary. Generally, it takes a few months to settle out of court. On the other hand, lawsuits may last for several years before reaching a resolution.

Remember that you must file your motorcycle accident claim before the statute of limitations expires to receive compensation for your losses. Generally, New York gives you a few years to start your legal case.

Your New York motorcycle accident lawyer can track deadlines for any case, including accidents caused by impatient, distracted, drunk, or fatigued drivers.

Speak to Us About Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

You can secure professional legal aid from a New York motorcycle accident lawyer after a wreck. Our team at Richmond Vona, LLC, can represent you in and out of court, providing personalized care focusing on bringing you full damages.

Take proactive steps to secure compensation by calling or filling out our online contact form.

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