Western New York is experiencing a new wave of growth and development, leading to an increase in construction projects. While this is good news for the local economy, it will likely bring an increase in construction site accidents.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a construction accident, you’re likely facing significant financial, physical, and emotional challenges. You do not need to bear these burdens alone. Richmond Vona has an experienced legal team prepared to fight for the compensation you deserve. Let our New York construction accident lawyers help you get your life back on track.

Why Choose Richmond Vona for Your New York Construction Accident Case?

Your case deserves personal attention from NY construction accident attorneys who truly care. At Richmond Vona, we give client-centric a whole new meaning. When we take your case, we’ll assemble a team of three to four legal professionals dedicated specifically to you. Behind the scenes, we prioritize firm culture, resulting in a unified, collaborative team ready to fight for you every step of the way.

Experience That Gets Results

Our team has 30 years of combined experience advocating for the rights of injured people throughout New York. We’ve won over $175 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients, which include many construction accident victims and their loved ones. Founding attorneys John E. Richmond and Keith R. Vona have received numerous accolades for their excellence in personal injury law, including New York Super Lawyers, Top 100 Civil Plaintiff Trial Lawyers in New York, and Top 40 Under 40 Civil Plaintiff Trial Lawyers in New York by the National Trial Lawyers.

John’s family background is a key motivating factor for our firm’s success in local construction accident cases. Born and raised in Western New York, John grew up around job sites because his father owned a masonry business. This upbringing gives him a first-hand understanding of the dangerous nature of construction work and the devastating consequences that can arise from accidents on the job.

Keith is a former United States Marine who spent 10 years as an officer with the Buffalo Police Department. He has dedicated his life to seeking justice for those who need it most, and he brings a unique perspective of empathy and determination to every construction accident case he takes on.

Available Compensation After a Construction Accident

If you are injured in a work accident while working for an employer, you are likely covered by workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation typically covers injury-related medical expenses and a portion of lost wages—up to the current weekly maximum.

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system—you do not need to prove that anyone was negligent. To recover benefits, you only need to prove your injury or illness occurred while you were “on the clock” or as a direct result of your work-related duties. As a trade-off, you waive your right to sue your employer for your work-related injuries or illnesses.

However, additional compensation may be available if a third party caused the accident. A third party is anyone other than your employer or another employee who contributed to the accident, such as a defective equipment manufacturer or a negligent subcontractor. In these cases, you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible parties in addition to receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

Personal injury damages may include economic damages such as past and future medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, transportation expenses, and any other out-of-pocket costs related to your accident. Non-economic damages may also be available for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and other intangible losses.

Our team has a track record of securing maximum compensation for construction accident victims through personal injury lawsuits. Notable results include a $600,000 settlement for a client who suffered a catastrophic injury at a construction site.

How an Attorney Can Help With Your Case

You’re dealing with enough after a construction accident—let us handle the legal details. When you turn to Richmond Vona, we’ll guide you through each step of the process so you can focus on your recovery. Our experienced NY construction accident attorneys can help you in the following ways:

  • Investigating the accident: We’ll thoroughly investigate your accident to identify all parties responsible for your injuries and gather evidence to support your claim.
  • Calculating damages: Our team will work with medical professionals and other experts to accurately calculate the full extent of your past and future damages.
  • Negotiating with insurance carriers and construction companies: We will aggressively negotiate with insurance companies to seek the maximum compensation available for your losses. We have attorneys on staff who have previously worked in construction and represented construction companies, so we know their common tactics and how to counter them.
  • Pursuing litigation: If necessary, we will take your case to trial and fight for your rights before a judge and jury.
  • Meeting deadlines: There are strict time limits for filing construction accident claims. We will advise you of the applicable deadlines and work diligently to meet them.
  • Assisting with medical treatment: We can refer you to trusted medical professionals specializing in treating construction accident injuries and help coordinate your care. We can also help you find ways to access care before you receive a settlement or verdict. Hiring a local firm like Richmond Vona means the team is familiar with the local hospitals and other resources that can support your recovery and claim.

In short, a New York construction accident lawyer can be your best ally as you seek to recover from your injuries and move forward with your life.

“We’re very fortunate to have several attorneys with extensive experience in construction accident litigation, some of whom have even worked in construction in the past. We now have attorneys at our firm who prior to joining us defended construction companies, general contractors, subcontractors– so we have a wealth of experience”

John Richmond

Who Is Liable for a Construction Accident?

New York’s workers’ compensation system generally shields employers from lawsuits by injured employees. That means you most likely cannot sue your employer even if they were directly responsible for your injuries.

However, New York Labor Laws 200 and 240 may allow you to sue a third party that fails to meet its duty of providing a safe workplace. Liable parties may include contractors, subcontractors, property owners, equipment manufacturers, municipal entities, or others whose negligence contributed to your accident.

Keep in mind that only employees are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. If you were working as an independent contractor when the construction accident occurred, you may have the right to sue for damages without worrying about workers’ compensation restrictions.

How Soon Do I Have to File a Claim?

New York has strict deadlines, known as statutes of limitations, for taking legal action in construction accident cases. Our experienced New York construction accident lawyers can help you meet these deadlines so you don’t lose your right to compensation.

If you qualify for a third-party personal injury claim, you must file your claim within three years of the date of the accident. The deadline is shorter if you’re filing a personal injury claim against New York City or New York State—in that case, you must give notice within 90 days and file suit within one year and 90 days of the accident.

Can I File a Construction Accident Claim After a Fatal Accident?

Few occupations are more dangerous than construction work. Unfortunately, some accidents at construction sites are so severe they result in workers’ deaths. If you have lost a loved one in a crane accident, a forklift accident, a building collapse, or any other type of construction accident, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
Wrongful death damages may include compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, loss of parental guidance, and more. While no amount of money can undo the loss of a loved one, a New York wrongful death lawsuit can help provide financial stability and a sense of closure for those left behind. Our attorneys have experience representing families who have lost loved ones in construction accidents and can guide you through the legal process during this difficult time.

Rely on the Team at Richmond Vona

A construction accident can turn your life upside down in an instant. If you or a loved one has suffered a work injury on a construction site, Richmond Vona can help you seek the compensation you need to rebuild and move forward.

Our construction accident lawyers in New York are ready to listen to your story, gather evidence, and build a compelling case on your behalf. Call 716-500-5678 or contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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