New York Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Have you sustained a serious injury in an accident in New York? In this situation, you could end up facing high medical expenses and other financial losses. Fortunately, you can pursue compensation for these losses with a New York catastrophic injury lawyer.

Our team at Richmond Vona, LLC, can assist with all your legal needs, helping you file an insurance claim or pursue a lawsuit against the party that caused your accident. You can get started quickly with a New York personal injury lawyer.

Call or complete our online contact form to find out how we can help.

What Is Considered a Catastrophic Injury in New York?

New York only qualifies certain injuries as catastrophic (or serious). Any injury that leads to disfigurement or dismemberment may qualify. Additionally, examples of injuries that the court may classify as serious include:

Spinal Cord Injuries

Damage to the spinal cord can result in permanent paralysis or loss of limb function. These injuries can include quadriplegia and paraplegia, both considered serious in New York.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) that severely impacts cognitive abilities, memory, speech, or the ability to be independent in daily living may qualify as a catastrophic injury.

Amputation of Limbs

You may have a catastrophic injury if you face the complete loss of a hand, arm, foot, leg, or multiple limbs.

Loss of the Reproductive System

Harm to the reproductive system that eliminates the ability to have children may constitute a catastrophic injury in New York.

Under New York law, catastrophic injuries lead to substantially higher compensation compared to less severe injuries. An experienced New York catastrophic injury attorney can help you secure maximum damages.

What Compensation do You Get for a Catastrophic Injury?

Your New York catastrophic injury lawyer may help you secure funds to cover your medical expenses, including:

  • Immediate care
  • Rehabilitation and ongoing treatments
  • Medications
  • Assistive devices and in-home care

Lifetime medical costs can be extremely high for serious injuries. You may also secure funds for lost income, as catastrophic injuries often permanently impact earning capacity.

A catastrophic injury lawyer in New York may also focus on bringing you damages for your pain and suffering. The court considers things like loss of mobility, depression, and reduced enjoyment of life.

You may sometimes receive punitive damages, but New York rarely awards this form of compensation. Discuss all your losses with our team today.

What Should You do After a Catastrophic Injury in New York?

If you sustained a catastrophic injury in an accident in New York, make sure you report the event immediately. You should also seek treatment for your injuries. Getting help immediately can demonstrate the severity of your injury.

In addition to taking these steps, the professionals recommend contacting a catastrophic injury attorney in New York for assistance.

How Can a New York Catastrophic Injury Attorney Help You?

A New York catastrophic injury lawyer can help you in several key ways. Our team focuses on:

Performing a Thorough Investigation

A catastrophic injury lawyer will fully investigate the accident to build the strongest case and identify all potentially liable parties. This process lays the groundwork for attaining maximum compensation.

Managing Your Insurance Claim

Dealing with insurance companies can be complex in major injury cases involving long-term care needs. A catastrophic injury lawyer will negotiate with insurers and appeal denials or underpayments on your behalf.

Coordinating Medical Care

Your lawyer can coordinate treatment needs, providers, equipment, in-home care, rehabilitation, and other health services required for your recovery while calculating both economic and non-economic damages caused by your accident.

Reducing Your Stress and Offering Support

Your lawyer handles the legal process so you can focus on recovery, reducing stress during a difficult time. Our team also offers emotional support and guidance for the future as we understand that your life may change forever because of a catastrophic injury.

Why Select Us for Your Catastrophic Injury Claim?

Our team has over 30 years of combined experience that we turn to assisting clients who experienced serious injuries in New York. We focus on your specific needs, maintain open communication, and utilize advanced technology to build your claim.

We maintain small docket sizes that allow us to offer personalized service to clients who turn to us for help. Additionally, we stand behind our record of success here in New York, where we’ve brought clients over $175 million in compensation.

Our lawyers focus on the details and work aggressively to bring you funds to cover all of your losses. Review specific examples of clients we’ve helped by viewing our case results.

What do We Charge for Catastrophic Injury Cases?

Our team handles catastrophic injury cases on a contingency basis, meaning we only charge legal fees after bringing you compensation for your losses. At that point, we’ll receive a percentage of your final award as payment.

How Long do You Have to File a Catastrophic Injury Claim?

You must move forward with your catastrophic injury claim in New York before the state’s statute of limitations expires. Generally, you have a few years to seek compensation for all of your financial losses.

Your New York catastrophic injury lawyer can provide you with detailed information about your specific deadlines. Remember, waiting too long to file your claim allowed the court to dismiss requests for compensation.

Request a Free Case Evaluation

Speak to Us After a Catastrophic Injury in New York

You can hire a New York catastrophic injury lawyer from Richmond Vona, LLC, to handle all of your legal needs. Our team stands ready to represent you and fight for your best interests after a serious injury.

Start building a case by calling or filling out our online contact form.

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