New York Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Content Reviewed By:

John Richmond, Co-Founding Member

In New York, rideshare companies and drivers must carry higher insurance coverage than personal vehicle drivers, making it potentially easier to recover significant compensation when you are injured in a rideshare accident. However, determining what insurance applies to your case can be confusing because it varies based on the driver’s status at the time of the accident.  

With our experienced New York rideshare accident lawyers on your side, you won’t have to figure out the details on your own. Our attorneys are standing by to answer your questions and make sure you know your rights. We are compassionate and aggressive advocates ready to provide fully personalized legal guidance. Contact us online or call (716) 500-5678 to schedule your free consultation.  

Why Choose Richmond Vona for Your New York Rideshare Accident Case?

We are serious trial attorneys with decades of combined experience helping clients recover substantial compensation for car accident injuries. Personal injury law is all we do, and we have obtained over $175 million in successful case results. Our leading New York personal injury law firm provides full-service representation and an open line of communication to every client. We charge no upfront fees, and we only get paid if we win your case. 

We pride ourselves on thinking outside of the box. We use advanced technology to hold insurance companies accountable, striving to stay current in the ever-changing field of car accident and rideshare liability laws.  

We are dedicated to ensuring you have an exceptional experience working with our New York car accident lawyers. We make it easy for our clients to reach us at all hours and for any reason, treating each one with the dignity, compassion, and respect they deserve. We also limit how many cases we take at a time, assigning a skilled and supportive legal team to each client to ensure they receive dedicated, individualized attention. 

What Our Clients Say

The glowing reviews we regularly receive from our many satisfied clients are a reflection of our commitment to providing exceptional legal services each and every time:  

How Liability is Determined in Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare accidents are more complicated than many other motor vehicle accidents because, in addition to the driver’s role, you must also consider the rideshare company’s role. Rideshare companies have a legal duty to keep their passengers safe. For example, they must complete annual criminal background checks and driving history checks before allowing drivers to work. They may be liable if they break the law and do not take reasonable measures to keep passengers and other road users safe. 

How Insurance Differs in Rideshare Accidents

To recover compensation after most car accidents in New York, you must first file a claim against your no-fault insurance policy, regardless of whether you are a driver or passenger. If your injuries are serious or your damages are higher than $50,000, you can also file a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto liability insurance. 

This also applies to rideshare accident cases. However, whether you turn to the rideshare driver’s personal liability insurance or their rideshare company’s depends on the driver’s status at the time of the accident and who was at fault. If someone other than the rideshare driver caused the accident, you would turn to their liability insurance instead.  

If you were injured as an Uber or Lyft driver by a careless third-party driver, your claim would generally work similarly to claims in other car accidents. In cases involving an underinsured at-fault driver, you could also turn to the rideshare company’s UM/UIM coverage.   

Determining Which Insurance Pays

Again, if you were injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, the rideshare company’s auto liability insurance could cover your damages if their driver was at fault. You may also seek compensation from a third party if they were at fault. Rideshare auto liability coverage varies depending on whether the at-fault rideshare driver was: 

  • Logged into the app and available for rides but not transporting a passenger or en route to pick up a passenger. 
  • Providing a ride or en route to pick up a passenger after accepting a ride. 
  • Off duty. 

Uber and Lyft’s Required Insurance for Drivers in New York State

New York state law requires Uber, Lyft, and drivers to maintain the following insurance coverage: 

Driver Status 

Liability Insurance Coverage 

When providing a ride or on the way to pick up a passenger, the rideshare company’s auto liability coverage applies.  

$1.25 million for bodily injury or death and property damage.  

Note: Uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) coverage is also required. 

When available for rides but not engaged in a ride, the rideshare company’s auto liability coverage applies.  

$75,000 for bodily injury or death per person. 

$150,000 for bodily injury or death per accident. 

$25,000 for property damage per accident. 

When off duty, the rideshare driver’s personal auto liability coverage applies.  

$25,000 for bodily injury or death per person. 

$50,000 for bodily injury or death per accident. 

$10,000 for property damage per accident 

Damages Available in Rideshare Cases

Rideshare companies must provide higher coverage when a driver is on duty. This makes it easier to recover full damages when you are injured in an accident. Our knowledgeable New York personal injury lawyers are dedicated to pursuing full and fair compensation for our clients’ economic and non-economic damages. Compensable damages in rideshare accidents include things like:  

  • Past and future medical expenses 
  • Past and future lost wages 
  • Physical pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life 

No amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one. However, if your loved one was killed in a rideshare accident, our New York wrongful death lawyers can also help you pursue damages for things like funeral and burial costs, medical bills, lost income, lost services, lost parental guidance, and your loved one’s pain and suffering.  

How Long Do I Have to File a New York Rideshare Accident Claim?

Damages are only available for a limited time. The New York personal injury statute of limitations requires most rideshare accident lawsuits to be filed within three years from the date of injury or two years from the date of death. Though certain exceptions may apply, failure to file before the correct deadline will result in your case being dismissed in court.  

Strong evidence is crucial to maximizing your damages. To ensure you receive the compensation you deserve, we need to start investigating the accident as soon as possible. If you wait too long, physical evidence can be lost, witnesses can forget important details, video footage can be erased, and other evidence can be compromised. Contact us today to protect your claim. 

Can I Sue Uber or Lyft Directly After a Rideshare Accident?

You may be able to sue Uber or Lyft directly if you can prove that the company’s negligence contributed to the accident. Examples of rideshare company can negligence include: 

  • Hiring unqualified drivers. 
  • Failing to conduct annual background checks. 
  • Allowing a driver to continue giving rides after operating a rideshare vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 
  • Failure to ensure rideshare vehicles meet state safety requirements. 

This is not an exhaustive list, and every case is unique. Our New York rideshare accident lawyers are dedicated to helping you get the best results possible in your case. As part of this commitment, we will thoroughly investigate the rideshare company’s conduct to identify all potential grounds for a lawsuit and take it to court if it refuses to pay fair compensation. 

What If I Was Visiting New York and Got Into a Rideshare Car Accident?

If you were injured in an Uber or Lyft accident while visiting the state, you can count on our caring and supportive New York rideshare accident attorneys. Many of our team members are native New Yorkers, and we have decades of combined experience practicing personal injury law statewide. Whether you were injured in New York City, Buffalo, Albany, Niagara Falls, or anywhere else in the state, we can help. 

We can generally handle everything without you having to come back to New York, though you may need to return if your case goes to trial and your testimony is needed. However, because we successfully settle most of our car accident cases, this scenario is unlikely. No matter the circumstances, we will stand by you every step of the way and make sure you have the support you need throughout the life of your case.   

If you were injured in a New York rideshare accident while traveling, do not hesitate to reach out as soon as possible. We understand how important it is to return to the comfort of your home when trying to recover from an auto accident. We can help you find high-quality medical care, investigate the accident, and start working on your case. While you focus on getting home and recovering from your injuries, we will work to recover the full compensation you are entitled to under New York law.  

Is There a Difference Between Uber and Lyft Accident Cases?

Every car accident is unique. Even two cases involving the same rideshare company can differ vastly in the facts and legal outcome. However, all rideshare companies must obey state laws regarding insurance, background checks, motor vehicle requirements, and more. Important factors that can impact your case include: 

  • The rideshare driver’s status at the time of the accident 
  • The severity of your injuries 
  • Who was at fault for the accident 
  • Your medical expenses 
  • Your earning capacity before and after the accident 
  • The degree of your pain and suffering 
  • The experience and dedication of your attorney 

Our Uber and Lyft accident lawyers in New York have the skills, experience, and tenacity to go up against large corporations like Uber, Lyft, and their insurers—and win. We think outside the box and pride ourselves on going above and beyond for our clients each and every time. 

How Richmond Vona’s Attorneys Can Help You After a Rideshare Accident

If you are a passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident, you should report it through the Uber or Lyft app. Our experienced rideshare accident lawyers in New York can take it from there while you focus on recovering without worrying about insurance companies, deadlines, and navigating the legal system.  

When the unexpected happens, expect Richmond Vona to stand by you down the path toward full and fair compensation. Among other things, our legal services include:  

  • Free Legal Consultation – No-obligation initial assessment of your case. 
  • Advising on Legal Rights – Educating you about your legal rights and potential outcomes of your case. 
  • Investigation – Gathering evidence, including accident reports, witness statements, and medical records. 
  • Claim Filing – Preparation and timely filing of legal documents required to pursue a claim. 
  • Settlement Negotiation – Negotiating a settlement with the rideshare company and their insurance providers on your behalf. 
  • Representation in Litigation – If necessary, representing you in court or arbitration proceedings. 

Leveraging our extensive experience handling Uber and Lyft accidents across New York, we are ready to provide skilled legal counsel and representation with unwavering integrity. We are not your typical law firm. We will take the time to get to know you and explain everything about your case.  

When the Unexpected Happens, Expect Richmond Vona for Your New York Rideshare Accident Case

If you were injured in a rideshare accident anywhere in the state, you can count on us. Whether you were injured as a rideshare driver, rideshare passenger, occupant in another vehicle, or pedestrian, our compassionate rideshare accident attorneys in New York are standing by to provide personalized legal guidance and results-oriented representation. 

With more than $175 million recovered and countless satisfied clients, we’re changing the way people think about personal injury attorneys in New York. The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can get started building the strongest case possible on your behalf. Contact us online or call (716) 500-5678 to schedule your free case evaluation. 

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