How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

Many car accident survivors find themselves reluctant to sue a liable party, not out of fear of going to court but rather out of fear of legal expenses. Lawyers charge a lot of money for their services, after all – don’t they?

Richmond Vona’s team is here to challenge that stereotype. If you ask our team, “how much will it cost to hire a car accident lawyer?” we can answer, “nothing at all.” Our team operates on contingency. We only get paid for our services if we win your case. That means you won’t see a single bill while your case is in progress.

You can learn more about our contingency fee agreements during an initial case evaluation with our New York car accident lawyers. These consultations come free of charge and do not obligate you to take action against a liable party. Book yours today.

Richmond Vona Works on Contingency

What is contingency? It is the practice of offering accident survivors like you legal representation without upfront fees. Richmond Vona operates on a contingency fee basis to make your immediate post-accident life as straightforward as possible. When you don’t have to worry about legal fees, you may feel comfortable seeking justice for your losses in civil court.

Richmond Vona’s attorneys specifically only receive pay if we win your case. According to our contingency fee agreements, we may then receive a previously agreed-upon percentage of your settlement. You can discuss our standard agreements during our first FREE evaluation of your case.

What Services Do You Get From a Contingency-Based Lawyer?

Attorneys who work on contingency don’t sell you short in terms of available services. Our team provides all of the following services and more without charging you any upfront fees:

Investigative Services

Before we bring your case to a judge, we need to investigate the circumstances that led to your accident. Our team has an obligation to meet the state’s burden of proof if we want to move your case forward.

To meet that burden, we connect with investigators and third-party professionals in our network who can look into your accident. We can then bring forward what evidence we need to prove that a particular party engaged in accident-causing negligence. This evidence can include the following:

Video footage of your car accident
Statements from bystanders who saw your car accident
Photos from before and after your accident
Value assessments conducted by mechanics or other professionals
A police report speculating on accident liability
The liable party’s criminal conviction for roadway misconduct, if applicable

Damage Calculations

The same evidence that our team gathers to prove liability can also establish the total value of your car accident case. Our New York car accident attorneys can specifically break down the value of your economic and non-economic losses to establish the sum total of the damages we believe that you should receive. The losses we integrate into your claim can include:

  • Your property damage and the cost of property replacement
  • Property rentals, if applicable
  • Emergency medical care
  • Long-term medical treatment
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost opportunities to return to a job or industry

Out-of-Court Representation

You do not have to go into a courtroom to receive compensation for a car accident. You can first file a claim with the offending party’s insurance provider, with or without an attorney’s help. If you want legal assistance during this process, our team can step in and manage negotiations with an insurance provider for you. Doing so can limit a provider’s bad-faith behavior.

Should you choose to move forward with a civil claim, our team can arrange out-of-court negotiations with the liable party. If the liable party proves willing to meet, we can outline your losses and desired compensation. We can then negotiate with the liable party and their representative until we reach a mutually agreed settlement.

Courtroom Representation

Unfortunately, not all liable parties recognize the harm that they’ve done to you and your loved ones. The good news is that Richmond Vona’s attorneys aren’t afraid of the courtroom. We can take a belligerent party to civil court and initiate trial proceedings at your request.

This process tends to be lengthy. Fortunately, our contingency fee agreement covers the full extent of your trial, including an appeal, if necessary. We can prepare you for the trial process, including examination and cross-examination, without putting any additional financial pressure on you.

Learn More About Our Car Accident Lawyers Today

We understand that your concerns about the cost of legal representation may prevent you from taking action against the party responsible for your recent car accident. That’s why Richmond Vona works to keep your post-accident life free of financial stress.

We work on contingency and offer you a full suite of legal services. This means you can sue the party liable for your car accident without worrying about an incoming bill. Richmond Vona’s New York car accident lawyers only get paid if we win your case. Even then, our contingency fee agreements protect your savings and peace of mind.

Want to learn more about the representation our team can offer you? Contact us to schedule a FREE car accident case evaluation.

Your Future Is Worth Fighting For

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