Tia Machon Wins Richmond Vona, LLC Fight to the End Scholarship

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Richmond Vona, LLC, believes that how people act in the face of adversity reveals the truth of their character. The team wants to celebrate those people who see adversity and, through their own ingenuity, cleverness, or determination, overcome the obstacles that stand between them and a happier future.

That’s why the team offers its Fight to the End Scholarship. This year, Richmond Vona, LLC, wants to celebrate the dedication shown by Tia Machon. Machon’s scholarship application essay depicted a long struggle against difficult odds that she has continually fought to overcome.

Richmond Vona, LLC, hopes that its $1,000 contribution to Machon’s continued education will help her with what battles she may have ahead of her.

The Path to Single Motherhood

Despite an increase in awareness over the past several decades, it remains difficult to talk about domestic abuse. Machon is forthcoming in her scholarship essay, though, describing the effort she put into removing an abusive partner from her life. She highlights the help she had escaping with her children and the side effects of that abuse that have not gone away.

What Machon highlights in these conversations, though, is the control she now exercises over her own life. She notes that she can now hold a job, go to school, and see a therapist of her choosing. Even though life has become financially more challenging, both Machon and her children are now safe to live as they please.

Machon Draws from a Deep Pool of Inspiration

When asked about the inspirations in her life, Machon cites her grandmother as one of the driving forces behind her quest for independence. “My biggest inspiration is my grandmother, [who] passed away on Christmas Day, 2015,” she says.

“In her own life, she experienced much of what I have gone through, and one thing she had always wanted for me was to go to college. Though she isn’t here today, I have drawn off her strength to keep me going when times are rough and uncertain. She would be so proud of me and knowing that keeps me going.”

Fighting to Protect Her Future

In her essay, Machon notes that she’s taken steps to improve her life since leaving her abusive partner. The program she worked with to escape requires her to undergo regular job training and skills tests so that she can make her mark on the rest of the world. Today, Machon works with a technical college to continually grow her professional skill set.

Machon intends to use that ever-growing skill set to help women who’ve gone through experiences similar to hers. She wants to work with the Family Center but needs a degree and experience to do so.

While Machron has found her footing at an educational program and now volunteers for the shelter she wants to work for, there’s still a gap between where she is and where she wants to be professionally. What’s more, her children and bills make her carefully divide her time between studentship, motherhood, and financially beneficial employment.

Machon’s Long-Term Goals

Machon may have overcome some of the most pressing challenges in her life, but there seems to be more on the horizon.

“This is a fight I need to continue,” she says. “…[i]t is now my duty to spread awareness on domestic abuse, what signs to look for, and how to prevent it from happening. Lobbying for stricter gun laws in relation to domestic violence restraining orders is high on my priority list.”

Machon specifically notes that she wants to find a long-term job at the Family Center of Wisconsin Rapids. She is currently working toward a degree in business management so that she can become a better advocate for the shelter and women in positions like hers.

She also notes that she wants to continue to spread her story. In doing so, she intends to increase awareness about domestic violence and help survivors find new ways to rebuild their lives.

About Richmond Vona, LLC’s Fight to the End Scholarship

Richmond Vona, LLC’s Fight to the End Scholarship continually celebrates individuals who’ve given their all to improve their lives. Students who want to qualify for this $1,000 must submit 500 to 1,000-word essays describing their challenges and the means they’ve used to overcome them.

We intend to offer this scholarship on an annual basis, meaning that the next batch of ambitious students can apply for academic support in 2024/2025. Interested parties can refer to the scholarship’s terms and conditions page for more information about the materials they need to apply.

Richmond Vona, LLC, Celebrates Machon’s Fighting Spirit

Richmond Vona, LLC, makes a point to celebrate individuals who’ve fought and continue to fight the obstacles standing between them and their best lives. This year, Tia Machon embodies a drive and dedication to her future that Richmond Vona, LLC, wants to celebrate. The team congratulates Manchon on her successes so far and proudly awards her $1,000 in support.

We hope that Machon can use her education to continue bettering her and her children’s lives and looks forward to seeing how she succeeds in the years to come.

Students interested in applying for the Fight to the End Scholarship can begin compiling application materials for the 2024/2025 academic year. Keep an eye on the Richmond Vona, LLC, website for more information about next year’s submission period.

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