Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure


Attorneys on Case
Keith Vona
Keith R. Vona

The daughter of a mesothelioma victim (cancer caused by asbestos exposure), who had worked at Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna, NY, contacted our office requesting assistance with making a claim. Keith Vona met with family at the hospital on a Saturday and immediately recognized that the gentleman was extremely ill and had very little time left. Keith secured critical information and evidence from the client and assisted in getting a will drafted and signed to honor his last wishes. Following the client’s death a lawsuit was initiated against the manufacturers and distributors of asbestos-containing products that the client had worked with and around at Bethlehem Steel.
The biggest challenge in the case was locating a co-worker to provide testimony concerning the client’s exposures to asbestos that occurred up to fifty years ago. Through his twenty years of litigating and trying asbestos cases to verdict, Keith has an extensive network of past clients and co-workers from multiple job sites and was able to find a coworker to testify on behalf of the deceased client (and his family). In just under a year of litigation, Keith was able to secure a gross settlement of $1,500,000.00 for this gentleman’s family.


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