Williamsville Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Content Reviewed By:

John Richmond, Co-Founding Member

No one wants to think that a nursing home or assisted living facility they have entrusted with caring for their loved one would ever knowingly—or even accidentally—let that family member come to any harm. Unfortunately, mistreatment inside retirement homes is all too common in New York State and throughout America, often resulting in life-altering injuries and illnesses.

Taking effective action to resolve this kind of situation can be difficult under any circumstances, but especially without guidance from a hard-working personal injury attorney. Beyond just helping you protect your family from further harm, a dedicated Williamsville nursing home abuse lawyer can help you pursue compensation for the suffering your loved one endured.

How to Identify Possible Nursing Home Mistreatment

Abuse and neglect of nursing home residents can come in a variety of forms, and it is important for family members and loved ones to be aware of the symptoms which might indicate ongoing mistreatment, such as:

  • Sudden emotional withdrawal
  • Unexpected fear or discomfort around certain staff members or residents
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Bruises, cuts, and other minor injuries without reasonable explanation
  • Sudden weight loss/gain
  • Unnecessarily frequent use of physical restraints, or signs of such use, like bruising around the ankles or wrists
  • Failure by staff to ensure residents get the proper dosage and type of medications
  • Unclean clothing or bedding

How staff members interact with residents during visits from family members can also be a key indicator of mistreatment. Employees being standoffish, harsh, or unwilling to provide straight answers to questions could all be cause for concern, as could any attempt to restrict communication or visits with residents. A Williamsville nursing home abuse attorney can review a specific set of circumstances during a private consultation and offer guidance about whether further action might be warranted.

Acting on a Nursing Home Resident’s Behalf

Sometimes, resolving inadvertently poor treatment inside a nursing home can be as simple as raising concerns with facility administrators and following up with any further issues that may arise. If there is widespread neglect or abuse, it may be necessary to contact the state Department of Health by calling their hotline or filling out a nursing home abuse complaint form on the department’s website. In emergency situations where a resident’s life is in imminent danger, law enforcement may be able to help remove the resident immediately.

Once the individual is safe from being harmed any further, they—or a loved one acting on their behalf—can demand financial restitution through a lawsuit or private settlement demand for every form of harm they sustained. This can include medical bills, physical pain, psychological damage, and lost enjoyment/quality of life. Assistance from a nursing home abuse attorney in Williamsville is vital throughout every stage of this process to achieve the most beneficial result possible.

Discuss Your Legal Options with a Williamsville Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

Nursing home abuse can make for exceptionally complex civil litigation on both legal and personal levels. Getting involved in this type of case by yourself is likely to have a poor outcome for you, which could mean your loved one is left without the compensation they deserve for the harm they should never have suffered.

We can help you act proactively to protect your family and ensure their rights under state and federal law are respected. Contact a Williamsville nursing home abuse lawyer from Richmond Vona, LLC, to learn more.

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